stolta sverige :D
Såg ni att Perez Hilton lade upp samma videoinlägg som jag, ni vet när Bounce dansar i Stockolm till Michael, cool att dom fick med sej så många dansare måste jag säga.
Men men, lite cool att Perez lägger upp det dära på sin blogg. Och kolla kommentarerna oxå,
några av mina favorit kommentarer:
"I love Sweden. And not just because of this, but this is also very cool.
I love when people do things like this. Not very original, but VERY entertaining."
"why do they always do these things in other countries and not in like... LOS ANGELES??"
"That's it, I'm moving to Stockholm. Free healthcare, secular government, hot chicks, awesome MJ tributes, and amazing cheese. "
"stocholm is one of the coolest cities in the world... I didn't expect anything less... IT WAS BRILLIANT!! GOTTA LOVE THE SWEDES!! "
"It was a breathtaking video. What a great way to honor the King of Pop. It was just beautiful. MJ brought people together everywhere in this world. =) "
aa, ni kan ju kolla själva ;) proud to be swedish now, hah?
Såg ni att Perez Hilton lade upp samma videoinlägg som jag, ni vet när Bounce dansar i Stockolm till Michael, cool att dom fick med sej så många dansare måste jag säga.
Men men, lite cool att Perez lägger upp det dära på sin blogg. Och kolla kommentarerna oxå,
några av mina favorit kommentarer:
"I love Sweden. And not just because of this, but this is also very cool.
I love when people do things like this. Not very original, but VERY entertaining."
"why do they always do these things in other countries and not in like... LOS ANGELES??"
"That's it, I'm moving to Stockholm. Free healthcare, secular government, hot chicks, awesome MJ tributes, and amazing cheese. "
"stocholm is one of the coolest cities in the world... I didn't expect anything less... IT WAS BRILLIANT!! GOTTA LOVE THE SWEDES!! "
"It was a breathtaking video. What a great way to honor the King of Pop. It was just beautiful. MJ brought people together everywhere in this world. =) "
aa, ni kan ju kolla själva ;) proud to be swedish now, hah?